What is a Facelift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the visible signs of aging on the face and neck. By tightening sagging skin, lifting facial muscles, and smoothing deep wrinkles, a facelift can restore a more youthful and refreshed appearance. This procedure enhances facial contours, reduces jowls, and rejuvenates the overall look, helping you regain confidence with natural-looking, long-lasting results.

  • Overall facial rejuventation
  • Tighter skin
  • Lifted, contoured, and defined features
  • Smoothed wrinkles and creases
  • Eliminated jowls and double chin
  • Sculpted jawline
  • Many signs of age disappear in only one procedure.
  • As many as ten years are taken off the face

Who is a candidate for a facelift?

Candidates for a facelift are usually men or women who would like to achieve a dramatically more youthful appearance. The typical age for a facelift ranges between 40 and 60 years, although individuals who are younger or older may also be good candidates. Candidates for a facelift in Westchester should meet the following requirements:

  • Are generally in good health
  • Have no serious medical conditions
  • Do not smoke
  • Are not taking blood thinners or can safely stop taking blood thinners before surgery
  • Have sagging skin, prominent jowls, loss of facial volume, and sunken areas
  • Are realistic about what this procedure can achieve

Before & After Facelift in NYC

Types of facelifts

Dr. Halaas performs different types of facelifts in NYC to achieve your aesthetic needs and goals.

Mini facelift

This less invasive facelift is performed under local anesthesia and targets more precise areas, requiring smaller incisions. Small “S” shaped incisions are made near the hairline by the ears. Using these incisions, the mid and lower areas of the face (the cheeks and jawline) are lifted and sculpted. There is less surgical trauma with a mini facelift, resulting in a shorter recovery period. Because it has a shorter procedure time and faster recovery, the mini facelift is often called by the nickname, “the weekend lift.” 

Deep plane facelift

A deep plane facelift is performed with general anesthesia and addresses the underlying structure of the skin–muscle and connective tissue called the SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System). This network of tissue lies over the facial muscles, forming the framework and structure of the face. Dr. Halaas will make incisions around the ear, then use these to tighten and lift the SMAS, working in a wider range of tissue than other facelifts to achieve more dramatic improvements. The four ligaments that anchor the facial muscles downward are released to beautifully lift the facial features.


The SMAS facelift is similar to a deep plane facelift. It addresses and tightens the SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System). This network of muscle and connective tissue lies beneath the skin and above the facial muscles. Incisions will be made around the ear and used to lift, tighten and address the SMAS, focusing on the muscles in the jaw area that have loosened and caused sagging. Excess skin and fat are removed to achieve a more youthful appearance.

Local Lift

Dr. Halaas created the Local Lift®, a facelift procedure less traumatic than a full facelift that achieves excellent results. The Local Lift has fewer risks and is customized for each patient. This procedure can lift sagging cheeks, reduce lines and wrinkles, and tighten the neck muscles.

Preparing for surgery

Before your facelift in NYC, Dr. Halaas will provide instructions to follow to help prepare you. This will include a list of medications and supplements to avoid, such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs that thin the blood.

Arrange in advance to have a friend or family member drive you home after your procedure who can help you that night and the following day.

During the procedure

All procedures are performed by Dr. Halaas in her AAAASF-accredited surgical facility in NYC. During your procedure, you will have either local anesthesia, the most common anesthesia required with Dr. Halaas for facelifts, or general anesthesia. Based on the type of facelift you’re having, she will make incisions near the hairline around the ears, and use these incisions to tighten and reposition the underlying muscles, lifting the features and trimming away excess skin. Once the lift is complete, she will close the incisions carefully to keep scarring at an absolute minimum.

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Recovery and aftercare

Dr. Halaas puts an emphasis on safety while in surgery, and provides detailed post-op instructions in order to quicken the recovery time for her patients. 

After your procedure is complete, Dr. Halaas will provide you with a light face wrap that needs to be worn for a week. You will be able to return home with a friend or family member. Dr. Halaas will give you a homeopathic prescription to reduce swelling and bruising, which will last several days to a week. She will see you the next day to check on your healing. 

The wrap can be taken off, and most patients can return to light work within 1-2 weeks. All stitches will be removed within 10-14 days. Wait for 4-6 weeks before you return to vigorous activity.

Facelift scars

Incisions for a facelift are hidden in the hairline and behind/inside the ear. Most patients’ incisions take about six months to heal after a facelift procedure. Visible scars progress from a pinkish line to a white color that is hard to notice. It may take as long as 1-2 years for the scars to fade fully. 

Complementary procedures

To complement your facelift procedure, other surgeries may be performed at the same time. Facial procedures may include eyelid surgery, brow lift, or neck lift. Other non-surgical procedures may also be performed to enhance results, such as dermal fillers or laser treatments. 

Facelift Cost

The starting cost range for a facelift in NYC is $45,000 to $75,000+. The complexity of the surgery and how long it may take can influence the total cost. If you need a facelift without a neck lift, this can also influence the price. When considering cosmetic surgery pricing, it's essential to recognize that the final cost is tailored to meet each patient's unique needs. The final cost of the procedure will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Halaas. This personalized approach ensures transparency and clarity regarding the total investment required for your aesthetic goals. We aim to empower you to make informed decisions about your cosmetic journey by providing a detailed breakdown of costs. Call our office for more details and schedule a consultation for a more personalized quote just for you.

Facelift FAQs

What areas are targeted with a facelift?

A facelift targets the bottom two-thirds of the face and often the neck or décolletage. While a facelift does not include a brow or eye lift, these procedures may be combined

Will my facelift look natural?

When performed correctly by a skilled surgeon, your facelift will look natural and youthful. Because Dr. Halaas combines her artistic background with the latest surgical techniques, patients trust her as an authority in providing natural facelift results.

Will it hurt?

For the first day after surgery, you may experience a deep bruised sensation from the swelling. You should remedy any pain with prescribed medication.

How long does bruising last?

The most noticeable bruising lasts up to two weeks, after which it should start to fade and change color. This bruising will progressively fade over the next two to four weeks.

Where will my facelift be performed?

Dr. Halaas performs her procedures in her private, state-of-the-art, AAAASF accredited facility.

What is the length of the procedure?

A facelift procedure takes from 2-5 hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

What are the alternatives to a facelift?

Non-surgical alternatives include injectable combinations such as Botox, dermal fillers and Kybella, and/or laser and radiofrequency treatments.

How long do the results of a facelift last?

Depending on the type of facelift, results typically last about ten years.

Are there any risks or complications from a facelift?

Facelifts carry the same risks and complications as other surgeries, including bleeding, pain, swelling, infection, scarring, nerve injury, and others.

What type of anesthesia is used?

Dr. Halaas’ techniques usually do not require full anesthesia. Instead, patients take a Valium and have local anesthesia with additional sedation as needed. Twilight and general anesthesia are also available from our board-certified anesthesiologists.

Will I look pulled back after a facelift?

Dr. Halaas focuses on a very natural look by carefully addressing the skin and tissues, resulting in an appearance that is refreshed, not pulled back or 'windblown.'

Can I get another facelift after time goes by?

After years pass and the effects of a facelift begin to fade, another facelift can be performed to retain your rejuvenated results.

When can I return to normal activities after my facelift?

Patients can typically return to light activity and sedentary work in 7-10 days.

Written by Dr. Halaas

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