What is an endoscopic brow lift?

As we get older, the brow can sink lower, with etched-in lines and creases, the result of diminished skin elasticity. As the brow tissues crease and sag, it can leave you appearing sad, angry, or tired, even on your best days. In Dr. Halaas’s skilled hands, an endoscopic brow lift gently corrects aesthetic problems on the forehead to create a younger, refreshed, healthy appearance. It is a minimally invasive procedure with the advantage of faster healing and minimal scarring.

Who is a candidate for an endoscopic brow lift?

We treat everyone who walks through our doors with platinum-level care. If you are in good health, have a creased brow, sagging brow, or heavy, overhanging forehead, you are likely a good candidate for an endoscopic brow lift in NYC. As with everything Dr. Halaas does, she offers you the best procedures for your unique condition, and an endoscopic brow lift can produce a dramatic yet subtle difference in your look.

What should I expect?

The first step is to meet personally with Dr. Halaas to speak with her about your individual goals. She will examine your brow and hairline. She will discuss your medical history, explain what to expect in the procedure, and any preparatory steps you’ll need to take regarding changes in medications or supplements. The surgical date will be scheduled with you.

The surgery

Your endoscopic brow lift will be performed at our state-of-the-art, accredited, private surgical center. To prepare you for your endoscopic brow lift in New York City, local anesthesia and IV sedation are administered. Once you are comfortable, Dr. Halaas will place tiny incisions, each less than an inch long, behind your hairline. She’ll separate the skin from the tissue underneath and insert an endoscope – a thin, long tube with a light and camera on the end – into the incisions. She’ll then lift your skin, smoothing and anchoring it to smooth away the years. The brow is then covered with a dressing. The entire endoscopic brow lift surgery typically requires less than two hours, after which you are released to return home.

Benefits of an endoscopic brow lift

Smoothing your brow, giving you a more alert, younger appearance, and/or addressing asymmetrical features.

  • State-of-the-art approach to surgery, with less risk of complications.
  • Smaller and less visible scars than a traditional brow lift.
  • Less invasive
  • Faster recovery time
  • Beautiful results that look refreshed and natural

What is the recovery time from an endoscopic brow lift?

Following your endoscopic brow lift, you will want to rest. It is normal to experience bruising, tenderness, and swelling at the incision sites. Any discomfort can be managed with cold compresses and over-the-counter medication. Sleep with your head elevated and avoid taking any blood-thinning medications or supplements. Take all medications on the schedule Dr. Halaas has prescribed. You should avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks but can return to your normal schedule in a few days. You can wash your hair with a very gentle shampoo on day three. 

Written by Dr. Halaas

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